Low pressure pumps
Our maintenance-friendly low pressure pumps are used to pump large quantities of water and light liquids at comparatively low pressure. In their compact volute casing, our low pressure pumps draw the medium, such as drinking and process water, dirty water, brines, alkalis and liquid chemicals, in from the front and pump it up to a height of 105 meters. OSNA low pressure pumps are used in many different industries. Typical applications for low pressure pumps are in waterworks and sewage treatment plants, paint spraying and dedusting systems, cooling and circulation circuits, as well as in metal processing, paper production and the food industry.
Non-self-priming single-stage end suction low pressure centrifugal pump in long coupled design
Performance data
Q max. 3.500 m³/h (15.140 USGPM)
H max. 105 m (344 ft)
For clean water, sea water, brines and alcaline liquids in water supplying dust extracting and spray-coating plants in cooling and revolving circulations up to +140 °C (284 °F)
Non-selfpriming single-stage end suction low pressure centrifugal pump acc. to EN 733 in long coupled design, shaft sealing by gland packing or mechanical seal
Depending on the requirements oft he liquids or the customers' request, available in cast iron, nodular cast iron, bronze, cast steel, stainless steel
Non-self-priming single-stage end suction low pressure centrifugal pump in block design
Performance data
Q max. 450 m³/h (1.981 USGPM)
H max. 105 m (344 ft)
For clean water, sea water, brines and alcaline liquids in water supplying dust extracting and spray-coating plants in cooling and revolving circulations up to +140 °C (284 °F)
Non-selfpriming single-stage end suction low pressure centrifugal pump in block design, shaft sealing by gland packing or mechanical seal
Depending on the requirements oft he liquids or the customers' request, available in cast iron, nodular cast iron, bronze, cast steel, stainless steel
Non-self-priming single-stage end suction low pressure centrifugal pump in in-line design
Performance data
Q max. 800 m³/h (3.522 USGPM)
H max. 105 m (344 ft)
For clean water, sea water, brines and alcaline liquids in water supplying dust extracting and spray-coating plants in cooling and revolving circulations up to +140 °C (284 °F)
Non-selfpriming single-stage end suction low pressure centrifugal pump in in-line design, shaft sealing by gland packing or mechanical seal
Depending on the requirements oft he liquids or the customers' request, available in cast iron, nodular cast iron, bronze, cast steel, stainless steel